【Zabbix 5.0】YAMAHA 製品のトラップ監視をできる環境構築




【Zabbix】Zabbix Server 5.0のインストール(CentOS 7/MariaDB/NGINX) はじめに CentOS 7をminimalインストールした環境にZabbix 5.0 をインストールからコンソール画面が表示されるまでの手順を書きました。 利用するパッケージとして『Mar...
【Zabbix】Zabbix でSNMPトラップ監視できる環境を構築 はじめに Zabbixサーバでトラップ受信できる環境の構築を行っていきます。 Zabbix5.0がインストールことを前提に話を進めていますのでインストールが終わっていない場合...


  • snmptt.confの作成
  • トラップ監視用のテンプレート作成









# cd /usr/share/snmp/mibs
# mkdir yamaha
# cd yamaha
# tar xzvf yamaha-private-mib.tar.gz
# ls
yamaha-private-mib.tar.gz     yamaha-sw-errdisable.mib.txt
yamaha-product.mib.txt        yamaha-sw-firmware.mib.txt
yamaha-rt-firmware.mib.txt    yamaha-sw-hardware.mib.txt
yamaha-rt-hardware.mib.txt    yamaha-sw-l2ms.mib.txt
yamaha-rt-interfaces.mib.txt  yamaha-sw-loop-detect.mib.txt
yamaha-rt-ip.mib.txt          yamaha-sw-power-ethernet.mib.txt
yamaha-rt-switch.mib.txt      yamaha-sw-rmon.mib.txt
yamaha-rt.mib.txt             yamaha-sw-termmon.mib.txt
yamaha-smi.mib.txt            yamaha-sw.mib.txt


# vi /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
mibdirs /usr/share/snmp/mibs:/usr/share/snmp/mibs/yamaha
mibs all


# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-product.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-product.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-rt.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-rt.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-rt-firmware.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-rt-firmware.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-rt-hardware.mib.txt --out yamaha-rt-hardware.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-rt-interfaces.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-rt-interfaces.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-rt-ip.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-rt-ip.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-rt-switch.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-rt-switch.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-smi.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-smi.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-bridge.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-bridge.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-errdisable.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-errdisable.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-firmware.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-firmware.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-hardware.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-hardware.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-l2ms.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-l2ms.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-loop-detect.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-loop-detect.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-power-ethernet.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-power-ethernet.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-rmon.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-rmon.conf
# snmpttconvertmib --in /usr/share/snmp/vendors-mibs/yamaha-sw-termmon.mib.txt --out snmptt_yamaha-sw-termmon.conf


# cat *.conf >


# sed -e "s/^FORMAT\s/FORMAT ZBXTRAP \$aA /g" > snmptt_yamaha.conf





EVENT yrfLoginTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the login status is changed. $*
EVENT yrIfIsdnStatusChange . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that an ISDN status of index/bch is changed. $*
EVENT yrIfPpLinkDown . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a PP interface is down. $*
EVENT yrIfPpLinkUp . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a PP interface is up. $*
EVENT yrIfPpUtilTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that the change of the $*
EVENT yrIfTunnelLinkDown . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a TUNNEL interface is down. $*
EVENT yrIfTunnelLinkUp . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a TUNNEL interface is up. $*
EVENT yrIfPpAnonymousLinkDownWithUsername . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a PP Anonymous interface is down with connected username. $*
EVENT yrIfPpAnonymousLinkUpWithUsername . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a PP Anonymous interface is up with connected username. $*
EVENT yrIfMobileStatusTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a number of antenna of signal strength $*
EVENT yrIfWwanModStatTrp . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a number of antenna of signal strength $*
EVENT yrIpKeepaliveDown . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a IP keepalive status is down. $*
EVENT yrIpKeepaliveUp . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a IP keepalive status is up. $*
EVENT yrIpHeartBeat . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that heartbeat packet has not received for a given period. $*
EVENT yrIpHeartbeat2 . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that heartbeat2 packet has not received for a given period. $*
EVENT yrSwFindSwitch . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch is detected. $*
EVENT yrSwDetectDown . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch is lost. $*
EVENT yrSwFanLock . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's fan lock. $*
EVENT yrSwOverSupply . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's PoE over supply. $*
EVENT yrSwOverTemp . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's over temperature. $*
EVENT yrSwPowerUnitFailure . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's Power unit failure. $*
EVENT yrSwLoopDetectPort . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's port is loop-detect. $*
EVENT yrSwPoESupplyPort . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's port is PoE supply. $*
EVENT yrSwPoETerminatePort . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's port is PoE terminate. $*
EVENT ysedTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that the status of each port  $*
EVENT yshMemoryUtilTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the value of the variable $*
EVENT yshCpuUtilTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the CPU utilization is over $*
EVENT yshSystemAlarmTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the system ALARM LED is on. $*
EVENT yshMultiCpuUtilTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the multi CPU utilization is over $*
EVENT yshTemperatureStatusNormalTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the temperature value has changed to Normal status. $*
EVENT yshTemperatureStatusWarningTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the temperature value has changed to Warning status. $*
EVENT yshTemperatureStatusErrorTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the temperature value has changed to Error status. $*
EVENT yshFanStoppedTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the fan is stopped. $*
EVENT yshFanSpeedUpTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the fan speed has increased. $*
EVENT yshFanSpeedDownTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the fan speed has decreased. $*
EVENT yshVIVoltageErrorTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the voltage value became error. $*
EVENT yshVICurrentErrorTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the electric current value became error. $*
EVENT ysl2msFindSlave . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch is detected. $*
EVENT ysl2msDetectDown . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch is lost. $*
EVENT ysl2msFanLock . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's fan lock. $*
EVENT ysl2msOverSupply . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's PoE over supply. $*
EVENT ysl2msOverTemp . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's over temperature. $*
EVENT ysl2msPowerUnitFailure . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's Power unit failure. $*
EVENT ysl2msLoopDetectPort . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's port is loop-detect. $*
EVENT ysl2msPoESupplyPort . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's port is PoE supply. $*
EVENT ysl2msPoETerminatePort . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that a controlled switch's port is PoE terminate. $*
EVENT ysldPortDetectLoopTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that loop detected. $*
EVENT ysldPortResolveLoopTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that loop resolved. $*
EVENT yspeSupplyPortTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that PoE power supply start to the PD. $*
EVENT yspeTerminatePortTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that PoE power supply stop to the PD. $*
EVENT yspeGuardBandStateTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that guard band status change. $*
EVENT yspePortErrorTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that PoE port error. $*
EVENT yspeUnitFailureTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap signifies that PoE unit power failure. $*
EVENT yrhMemoryUtilTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the value of the variable $*
EVENT yrhCpuUtilTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the CPU utilization is over $*
EVENT yrhSystemAlarmTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the system ALARM LED is on. $*
EVENT yrhMultiCpuUtilTrap . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the multi CPU utilization is over $*
EVENT yrhCpuThresholdOver . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the CPU utilization was over $*
EVENT yrhCpuThresholdUnder . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the CPU utilization was under $*
EVENT yrhMemoryThresholdOver . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the MEMORY utilization was over $*
EVENT yrhMemoryThresholdUnder . "Status Events" Normal
FORMAT ZBXTRAP $aA This trap indicates that the MEMORY utilization was under $*


# mv snmptt_yamaha.conf /etc/snmp/
# cd /etc/snmp/

# ls
snmpd.conf      snmptt.conf.bak  snmptt_base.conf
snmptrapd.conf  snmptt.ini       snmptt_yamaha.conf



# vi snmptt.ini


# A list of snmptt.conf files (this is NOT the snmptrapd.conf file).  The COMPLE
TE path
# and filename.  Ex: '/etc/snmp/snmptt.conf'
snmptt_conf_files = <<END


# systemctl restart snmptt
EVENT general . "coldStart" Normal
EVENT general . "warmStart" Normal
EVENT general . "linkDown" Critical
EVENT general . "linkUp" Normal



# snmptrap -v 2c -c public  '' .
# tail /var/log/snmptt/snmptt.log

2020/08/21 00:09:21 . Normal "Status Events" - ZBXTRAP This trap signifies that a IP keepalive status is up.




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